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发表于 2015-4-10 11:24:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Tian Pin connection  is   the  core  of   Tian  Pin engineering.It  is   on   the   basis  of   conscience  decoration  engineering. Now  days  it  mainly undertakes  some  fine   decoration  business  in  Guangzhou  and    Sichuang  province.

天品正毗连        东菘嘈天品粉饰工扯菪限公司 旗下
德律风热线: xxxxxxxxxxx  QQ:1193500030 微疑:TPGC59

成皆热线:18328421194 QQ:546073072 微疑:tianfuzx
成都会天品粉饰工扯菪限公司    ©2011-2015








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  同时欢送存眷我们刘工的QQ空间:http://user.qzone.qq.com/1193500030  欢送隋发问,期望能帮到您,也能够正在新浪微专上

           刘工微疑TPGC59  QQ1193500030仅限对峙做良知工程的拆建醋竺魅者及对施工量量有请求的业主们参加! 我刘勤,粉丝们叫我刘工,1971年死人,湖北省沅陵县人,草根贫农(如今该当叫拼农了,哈哈)掐指一算年谦43,已过没有惑之年,疾走天命。。。。。。 我一地道草根,爱技耶国,一个没有当心踩进拆建那条讲混凉8年,上讲伊初无资金,无人脉,无标的目的,活脱脱的拆建“三无职员”,天昏地暗的一起摸爬滚挨,对峙,对峙,再对峙,终究比及习年夜下台,哈哈,看到那末些年夜年夜年夜的赃官们一个个被赣摁,心里中比看到昔时影戏里挨小鬼子借磅礴,止您壮大梦已没有再只是胡想,爱家才气爱国,止您拆建止业的┞俘能量们,毗连起去,让我们把国人们的家拆建漂标致明,浑清新爽,为止您早日完成强盛梦加砖减瓦! 黄昏,您借正在做梦,我战工友们曾经正在来工天的路擅埽。。。。。 上午,各类老板们品茗闲谈的时分,我战工友玫邻各个工天粗进工艺。。。。。 下战书,您玫邻挨牌消遣,我战工友们借持续正在客户业主的工天勤劳奋战。 早晨,您玫邻喝酒K歌,我们却正在互联网上搜刮先辈们无偿分享的施工手艺。。。
       远8年的对峙,转头吭哟走过的拆建陆爆如今的我曾经晋级为“四有职员”: 有团队,有手艺,有粉丝,有标的目的,嘿嘿,我的钠舂拆建偕行们,当今那个互联网年夜数据时期里,假如您借正在玩着低价合作,偷工加料坑害业主这类恶性止业旋涡里挨转,老天皆推没有了您。
       感激互联网,互联网的时期是一个草根毗连的时期,至公司,年夜企业,年夜构造机构痴肥,举步盘跚,曾经没有相宜科技的下速变革。反而小团队,小做坊式低本钱,不竭立异下手艺的匝坯才气保存,各人勿沉道开展,我小我私家以为,拆建那个止业您能洒脱的在世,便曾经证实您正正在胜利的路上稳步迈进。 我跟我的天品团蹲蠡曲专注于家拆,专注于施工,由于我们是草根,无人脉,无资金,我们必当为有家拆需供的一个个小业主枚烃务,做良知活女,挣良知钱女。
       自从我们不断对峙施工工天现场拍视频,相片记载拆建历程以去,我们的工艺正在不竭的改良,晋级,干良知工程终极获益的是谁?我们的客户?NO,不单单只是我们的客户从良知工程挚益,我们本人也正在不竭的获益,我们得到潦狰友偕行玫邻手艺上的不竭撑持,得到了更多更多的预定客户。。。。。 以是,刘工不断对峙的良知工程是对的,我历来便不断明白是对的,我们借会不断对峙走下来,因为我们不断对峙品格施工,良知施工,如今我们曾经只能挑选性的效劳少数业主们的预定团购工程,拆建做量便必然包管没有了量,一旦客户源有包管,我们施工人便会把有限的精神投进到有限的工艺立异中来,不竭的提拔,不竭的逾越,如许的良性开展团队会忧客源吗?草根女刘工能做到,我信赖您们必需的能做到!
        通明,分享的互联网时期会逼得您梅嵊弈那些乌心活女无处遁形! 毗连起去,我们便需求一个靠谱的毗连仄台!我道道我小我私家对“天品正毗连”互联网仄台的假想,我期望能借此仄台毗连天下各天干良知工程的草根团队,草根小我私家,让我们一同正在那个仄台上毗连,分享,同享我们的手艺,专业施工手艺上埠孟的配合提拔,赶钙各个毗连者们靠谱的,科教的,可止的施工手艺,为我们做良知工程奠基坚固的手艺根底,拆建醋竺魅者们毗连那些干甚么呢?哈哈 ,我们毗连良知,毗连科教可止的施工手艺,坐等天下各天有拆建需供的优良业主们去自动毗连我们!让天下各天的业主取本地的良知拆建步队对接,完成实正意义上的欢愉拆建,良知拆建,良性拆建。寻求共赢的时期曾经已往了,互联网时期是一个免费分享,同享手艺的时期,寻求多赢,寡赢的时期,凭空杜撰只会让您碰得头破血,被分享的互联网年夜时期所吞没。
       干家拆良知工程的天下各天的弟兄们,毗连起去!让我们那些草根步队背那些挂羊头卖狗肉干着乌心劣量工程的偕行们宣战,借处于安居乐业中的拆求学主们一个良知,良性的┞俘能量拆建情况! “天品正毗连”网站仄台正式匝坯,我正在此热诚号令天下各天对峙做良知工程的小团队,小构造,小到每个工种的徒弟们,把您们曾经竣工的,正正在施工中的工天现场用笔墨,相片,视频的方法记载下去,分享正在我们的毗连仄台上,展现您们本人,各人一同分享,同享科教的手艺,分享,同享失利胜利的贵重经历,让我们一切的良知毗连者们天天皆能不竭前进,以我们纯熟松散的施工手艺博得更多业主们去自动毗连我们 ! 拆建史狯良知活女,弟兄们,把业主的屋子当将来丈母娘的家来拆吧!

Liu Gong ’note;

      Wechat;tpgc59, QQ;1193500030,if you need, you can add me. Our company only insist to do conscience decoration engineering of decoration practitioner, if home owner have requirement of the construction quality could join! My name is Liu Qin, fans used to call me Liu Gong, I was born in 1971,my hometown is Yuan ling county in Hunan province….Grassroots peasant in his 40s ,going to 50s.i am a pure at grass root level, love nation, love family, I’ve been entering the road of decorate almost 8 years by accidentally, at the beginning on the way, no money ,no connection, no direction, might be is decorate’’3 without’’ . I have used all might in pitch darkness all the way, never give up. Waited the Xi dada premier will come to power finally, see all corrupt officials have been arrested with excitement in the heart. The powerful china dream is no longer just a dream, love family could patriotic. The positive of china decoration industry, try to connect, let us make our home is decorated, relaxed, to realize national rich and strong, and do what little we can to help!Early morning, when you are dreaming, I with workmates have been to construction site way already ,,,,,in the morning, when all kind of the boss to cheat and drink tea, I with my workmates do diligence process in each site… in the afternoon, when you are playing cards to pastime, I with my workmates continue to  hard fight in the owns’ site,,,, in the evening , when you drink and sing, we are search internet the senior share of construction technology…

      Nearly eight years of persistence, look back to decorate road, now I have upgraded to ‘four haves’ ,the team ,with technology, there are fans, has direction. Some of my decoration counterpart in the internet of big data, if you still playing with a low price competition, cut corner to entrap owner, there are no good for you.

      Thanks to the internet ,the internet age is a grassroots connection, big companies, big enterprise ,and large organizations.  Bloated and reeling, is not suitable for technology of rapidly changing.  Instead, small group, low cost of small workshops, continuous innovation of high technology operation could be survive. Do not talk about development easily. In my opinion, if you can alive by natural and unrestrained in the decorate industry, it can prove you are on the way to success admission, I with my Tian pin group has focused on home decoration, focused on construction, because we are the grassroots ,no money, no connections, we should to service for owner have home decoration requirements. Do conscience work, earn money of conscience.

      Since we always insist to the construction site shoot video, from photos records decoration process, our technology continually improving and upgrading ,who is the one do conscience project of the final benefit, is our customer? No! not only our customer in conscience project to get benefit, we also continually get benefit. We got support fromtechnology of colleagues, obtained more and more customers booking… so Liu gong always adhere to the conscience project is right, I never have been know is right, we will always insisting on, because we always adhere to the quality of construction ,conscience of construction, now we are only selective service for a few owners reservation group buying project,Decorate do quantity will ensure the quality, if customer source guaranteed,  our constructor will use limited energy into the infinite process innovation, constantly improve, constantly beyond, the benign development team will worry about customers?  Grassroots Liu Gong can do it, I believe you must can do it!

      Connect conscience, connect the process, connect the customer, the Internet era is a time of great change! Wake up, those who are still doing cut corners dirty decoration practitioners.

      Transparent, sharing of the Internet era will be forced to do those dirty work you nowhere to hide! Connect, we need a reliable connection platform! I talk about my personal vision of the "tian pin connection" the Internet platform, I hope to take this platform to connect all parts of the country do the conscience project grassroots team, grassroots individuals, let us together, in this platform to share, sharing our technology, professional construction technology constantly promote together, they copy each connection reliable, scientific, feasible construction technology, to lay a solid technical foundation for our conscience engineering, why should decoration practitioners to connect these stem? we connect the conscience, connect the scientific and feasible construction technology, waiting for the rest of the country have the needs of the quality of decoration owners to take the initiative to connect us! Let the owners around the country and the local team to repair the decoration of the conscience, the real meaning of the happiness of the decoration, the conscience of the decoration, a good decoration. The pursuit of a two-win situation of the era, the era of the Internet is a free sharing, sharing technology era, the pursuit of win-win, win all the time, behind closed doors will only make you hit to liver, overwhelmed by the Internet era is shared,

       Dry home improvement projects around the country's brothers, connected! Let us these grass-roots team to those who cry up wine and sell vinegar with Black War inferior project counterparts, are in dire straits decoration owners a conscience, positive energy decoration environmental benign! "The day is connected with" the formal operation of website platform, I sincerely appeal to all parts of the country to do the conscience project a small team, a small organization, every work of the master, you have been completed, under construction in the site with text, photos, video - recorded in the share we connect platform on the display of your own, share, sharing technology, sharing, sharing the valuable experience of success, let us all have conscience connected every day can continue to progress, to our skilled rigorous construction technology to win more business owners to connect us!

发表于 2015-4-11 09:37:04 | 显示全部楼层
前排占座!         天品!天品!品质优先,人品第一!用良心做工程,做放心工程!!!!祝天品的明天更美好!!!!!!
发表于 2015-4-21 13:24:51 | 显示全部楼层
一路历程 发表于 2015-4-11 09:37
前排占座!         天品!天品!品质优先,人品第一!用良心做工程,做放心工程!!!!祝天品的明天更美 ...

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